
During his time at Xchanging, Jacob’s work was faultless. He would readily put himself forward for new tasks, even those that were outside of others’ comfort zones. In the later months, he led a project to transfer financial information from Oracle to SAP for multiple companies, ensuring it was a success. It was a real pleasure working with Jacob.

Adrian Clarke, Technical Architect @ Xchanging, London, UK

 I enjoyed working together with Jacob as being one of our partners in field of customer service. I especially liked his service minded and accurate approach.

Odette Kromschee, AOC-ODM Service Network Manager EMEA @ TPV, Enschede, NL

Always willing to help and go the extra mile, Jacob was fantastic to work with – customer oriented, accurate and creativity were only a few of his many attributes. When you work with him, you will discover an amazing person with unique abilities!

Joe Walsh, Training & Quality Manager @ R Systems, Enschede, NL

Zoals ik mij Jacob herinner, was hij een zeer productieve collega. Jacob is een pro-actief, gemotiveerd, efficiënt en een hard werkende persoon. Hij is altijd in staat zich aan te passen aan nieuwe werkomgevingen.

Robin Hagels, medewerker @ Panduit ECW BV, Almelo, NL